Webinar: Keeping Your Coupling Installation on the Straight and Narrow
Save the date for this Design World webinar: Keeping Your Coupling Installation on the Straight and Narrow. Several top coupling industry professionals, including TB Wood’s Product Manager John Smihal, will be sharing their best practices for specific coupling installations. From larger power transmission coupling alignment to smaller precision applications, this webinar is a great resource for design engineers looking to simplify their coupling installations.
Attendees will learn:
- Why understanding misalignment is critical to coupling selection and installation.
- Installation tips and tricks.
- How to use a rigid coupling to align your shafts.
Presenter Bio:
John Smihal is the Elastomeric Couplings Product Manager for TB Wood’s and has worked at the company headquarters in Chambersburg, Pa. for 13 years. During his time with TB Wood’s as Product Design Engineer and Product Manager he has contributed to important innovations in the Sure-Flex® and Dura- Flex® coupling product lines.
Register for this webinar here.